#I Just Want To See Steve

I think my flat mates are over hearing me say it but I just want to see Steve Aoki. Wednesday nights he plays down at Café Mambos after the sunset for free, it’s his pre-party before playing at Pacha. Marina decided to shut me up and come with me…… Well that was the plan……

So I know the suspense is killing you… So we didn’t get to see Steve, therefore decided to make the most of our night and head out anyway. We head down to the West End to Trafik to see our good old friend Beverly to see if he is still talking to us after the threesome stand off…… Seems as though it is water under the bridge. Marina and I decide to make the most of a DJ and empty dance floor and request some old school tunes … ‘Pump up the jam’…. No surprises there, quite a few drinks and dances later we decide to move on…. Just as we are leaving the DJ calls me over and hands me a piece of paper with his number on it and says if I am around later to give him a call….. That was also made awkward by the stares the man who looks after the loos was giving me whilst mouthing ‘I love you’… I’m not sure how to take that, so I quickly leave……

Love must have been in the air tonight…. Or at least something was because I then had a random guy buy me a rose, the old Spanish man who walks around offering to take photos of you declared his undying love for me several times as I ran into through the night, ran into my ‘Looky Looky’ mate Abdul and ‘Looky Looky’ ‘I am a man from Gambia’ who decided to over share on the size of his nether regions…… Maybe it was a full moon!

Marina and I head into Hospital Bar and there are two guys wheeling around in wheel chairs, now what else is there to do in this situation but jump on one of the guys laps as he wheeled us around the bar starting a wheel chair war with the other guy…. Only in Ibiza! Next thing I’m being pushed around in a wheel chair by myself as a complete Queen Sheba, arms up in the air legs crossed drink in hand – again only in Ibiza!……. We then hit the usual hot spots, Soul City, Trance Den then ended up in Tropicana….. It was about this time I had lost Marina somewhere in between the wheel chairs and too many mojitos at the trance den I find myself sitting at the bar in Tropicana with one of the bar tenders of the trance den, I look in my wallet and I have 2 euros to my name…. I then decide well you don’t ask, you don’t get…. I ask the older Spanish bar tender what he can make me for 2 euros and he starts to make me this huge fishbowl cocktail….

5.30am rolls around and the bars are closing, I find Marina outside and we wander up to the Ship Inn….. My Ibiza Crush then meets us up there too, we were going to grab a few night caps when all of a sudden I hear screaming and I turn to see Marina is full on fisty cuffs with another girl who we later found out was a stripper….. I managed to grab Marina’s bag that had been hurled across the square and thank fully the Guardia (Civil Police) came to break it up, not that they really did much….. I got Marina and walked her in the direction of home…..Moral of this story is that the West End is intense, it’s a fun crazy place to start the night to have a few cheap drinks and a dance, Soul City is a must go to and be prepared for anything and everything….. And don’t call strippers b*tches!