#From PJ’s To DJ’s

I was just having a chill night in my pj’s when my flat mate Harriet came into the room and said ‘Get ready we are going out’…… ‘You have 10 hmmm 20 minutes max to get ready’….. Ok, lucky I don’t have a whole lot of options when it comes to clothes here in Ibiza as I only brought 1 suit case, where as my flat mates brought their whole wardrobes!…… I quickly get dressed and ask where we are going….. Harriet and her work colleague Rosie met a group of guys from Essex in London and they invited us to their apartment to go out with them for the night….Why not!

Harriet and I jump on the disco bus where I spot the pizza man who apparently has a little crush on me (So I have been told, he also looks like he only eats pizza) yet I never get any free pizza or even a stale garlic bread when I’m in his shop….. Women like food just as much as men, he’s not trying very hard to woo me if this rumour is true! (Insert sarcasm)…… We get off the bus outside Pacha and cross the road to where the guys were staying at the 5 star Ibiza Gran Hotel. We walk straight in the hotel and up to the room past security, no checking for wrist bands or card to use the lifts, just straight through…… We were not in San Antonio anymore!…. The hotel is very nice, in each room there is air conditioning – Oh how I have missed thee….A bath right in the middle of the room, random but very cool and looking over the balcony out to the pool area, this was the place to be and be seen. The guys told us that this is the hotel most DJ’s and celebrities stay at when they come to Ibiza, and they had been hanging with the guys from Disclosure by the pool the other day. At an average of 350 Euro a night (My monthly rent) I guess these guys were doing alright for themselves.

After a few drinks I discovered that they were all very successful and just a group of really nice guys, there was Pete who was a DJ, Mike who Harriet was sort of seeing, TJ who I think they wanted me to see – maybe if he stood on a stack of phone books and Johnny who Rosie was sort of seeing. Johnny struck it big and won the lotto so that is where his coin came from, he also went on to tell us that he is some kind of socialite in Essex. He was telling Rosie that if we hung out with him in Essex nothing would be a problem and once we have been seen with him we would have over a thousand more Twitter followers the next day, I think he was trying to impress her and most likely uses this line to impress women….. Must be the modern version of pick-up lines, I did not get that memo ….He seemed like a nice guy anyway and all he kept saying through the night was ‘Nothing is a problem’……

And sure enough nothing was a problem, the original plan was to go to Pacha for a VIP table but they ditched that idea and we went to Space nightclub instead. It was about 3am and to get a VIP table you had to arrive slightly earlier than what we did so they were going to charge a ridiculous price *cough cough* 3000 Euro!….. Johnny went away and after a short while he came back with VIP wristbands for all of us as we were escorted to the front table in VIP… Johnny later flashed the receipt and he ended up paying 1300 Euro for the table, which included the largest bottle of Belvedere Vodka and, as many mixers as you wished plus numerous tequila shots, he didn’t even bat an eye lid it was like spare change to him……. The club was super busy that night too, so I’m not going to lie we had the best seat in the house… Just another night in the VIP, a never ending glass of alcohol, sure you can smoke in the bathroom, yeah you can dance on the table….Actually just do whatever you want!

6am and the guys wanted to leave us girls wanted to stay….. We didn’t think it was right to stay and drink the vodka without the guys who paid for it being there, so we all left and went back to the hotel….. Ah good old hind sight, we should have just stayed and drank the vodka and kept on partying as there was not much going on at the hotel and within 15 minutes of just sitting around, us girls looked at each other as if to say ‘And we left a VIP table at Space to come and sit around here because?’…..So we got a taxi back to San Antonio to party on at Es Vedra apartments.

Es Vedra workers apartments are exactly what the name suggests, apartments where workers in Ibiza stay. They are notorious for being a bit wild – sex, drugs and rock n roll styles, definitely the opposite of our Mother Teresa apartment where no parties or boys are allowed!…. Basically there will always be somewhere to party in someone’s apartment day, night, morning after, and so we did….. Harriet and I walking home at 11am wondering how we got here, if we will ever feel normal again e: Not hung over, and why we thought walking home at 11am in 30 degree heat was a good idea….



After the night out at Stereo – https://takeachanceandneverlookback.wordpress.com/2014/07/31/stereo

We all made plans to head out the following night to a club called Booom! For Defected in the House. I was struggling a little from backing up the nights before but I’m a trooper so I got back on that horse and met DJ Danny, his girlfriend Abby and their friend Lianne for tapas at a great Peruvian restaurant called El Sapo in San Antonio.

The food was amazing, I had a traditional dish which was mash potatoe with avocado and octopus so yum, and quinoa balls, anything your ordered you couldn’t go wrong with – the Sangria is delish too! After dinner we had a bit of a plan as we had several places to go before heading to Booom! but we were on a tight schedule as to get in using our guest list we had to be there by 2am, sounds do-able right, considering it was 9pm!…….

Danny, Abby and I headed to Savannah’s down on the sunset strip to catch the pre-party, this is usually an hour or so DJ set by one of the DJ’s that will be playing at the club that night and it’s free. We ordered a bottle of wine and found a table by the DJ/VIP booth….. Who do I see in the VIP?….?…..?….. But DJ Uch, the DJ from Soul City. Uch comes over to say hi, as he also knows Danny…… In short I find Uch damn fine!…Seriously he’s freakin hot and that New York accent Yum Yum Yum……. Anywho we all get chatting and decide to head up to the West End….. I thought now is my chance to get to know Uch a bit, lay a few flirting foundations …… Uch had to work that night so when he said goodbye which is a kiss on each cheek for when you say Hola (Hello) and Adios (Goodbye) in Spanish *cough cough* I may have gotten two goodbyes…. And I casually mentioned that when he was next off work we should go for a drink or two…. Pretty sure that was the Sangria, Wine and take-away beer doing the confident talking but he said yes so who knows…….

Whilst in the West End we picked up David who was joining us for the night, a shot at Stereo, some more wine and we had to stock up on alcohol & hit two more bars before getting to Booom!….. It was now 12.30am and we had an hour to do so…… First stop Plastik, which is a bar down on the San Antonio beach, VIP wristbands and into the VIP area for some drinks stayed there for a little bit then headed to Linekers a bar just further down the beach…. And it was rammed in there, so busy…. Had a few more drinks and realized it was 1.30am! We had half an hour to get in a taxi and get to Booom! or we would be paying to get in…….. We managed to find a taxi, or rather a man with a car who got us there just in time, we literally just made it with minutes to spare…. get to the VIP entrance and my name was no where on the guest list, I also happened to have a hip flask of vodka on either side of my waist……. But…….. I still got in….. With vodka intact!

The rest of the night was just a blur of dancing and making trips to the toilet to fill our glasses with vodka….. Sometimes I wonder how I do it!……Let’s just say the next day I was feeling a little bit fragile.


#A Few Quiet Drinks

I was behaving and saving so I hadn’t been out for a few nights since our 10am stumble through the door. Marina and I decided to head over to the Bay for a few, which is over the other side of funnily enough the bay. Our flat mate Alana works at a bar over there so we thought we would stop in and have a few quiet drinks….. Long Island iced tea and a few screaming orgasms later we bar hoped to another bar and met Marina’s friend Laura…… 1 quick taxi ride and we were out in the West End again…. This time we went to a bar called Hush, the music was house music so it was straight to the d-floor….. I was just doin my thang when he caught my eye…. And again… and again….. and again….. until he came over to say Hi….. Tall, dark hair, very good-looking… hello!…… It was loud in the bar so I’m not 100% on all the details but his name could possibly maybe be Delorian, he is either Hungarian or he was hungry, lives in Ibiza working the Summer, may or may not have a job somewhere called the bay bar…. He asked for my number as he was about to leave & I thought why not…… Us three girls then left Hush to go too…..???? Can you guess where???…. Soul City!….. My fav DJ from New York, DJ Uch was playing but we actually didn’t stay in there too long before we headed back to Hush.

On the way back to the bar I got chatting to a very tall, gorgeous Brazilian man…. And invited him to come into Hush with us…. As we walked in the door he took a sharp right turn into the VIP…..I gave him a look of ummmm what are you doing?….. As he waved us all in….. turns out it was his VIP section….. and starts ordering us bottles of Moet!…. Marina and I just look at each other as if to say ‘So much for quiet drinks’….. I think this Brazilian guy is quite up there as people were at his beck and call and if anyone was in the VIP that was not meant to be, it was just a simple hand to the throat with a slice across motion and they were out…..

Now whilst in VIP I’m not sure if it was being in there but I started to get a bit more male attention…. Delorian the guy I had met earlier who was apparently not staying long, hadn’t left and was just staring at me so naturally I waved……. according to Marina it was what she called a royal wave, but I can’t be certain, and it was dark in there…. Then this other guy was starring and doing sign language so much so the Brazilian possible drug lord asked me if he was my boyfriend… umm nope, not that I know of……. Next thing Delorian is messaging me telling me he wanted to see me but couldn’t because I was in VIP, I didn’t respond straight away as I wasn’t really focusing on my phone with Moet around, sorry free Moet around and then he messages me saying ‘ Well I guess you are not interested’……. I think it is the power of the velvet rope, does things to people…. I swear I did not royal wave!

Next thing I know the bar is closing and it’s just Marina and I in the VIP drinking our Moet. The bar tender was about to take our half full bottle away when we were all Whoa whoa whoa! Hold on that is our bottle as she pretended she didn’t think we wanted it…. Umm no, we are taking that with us even if it has to be in plastic cups……… Now it’s 6am in the morning as Marina and I are sitting outside the bar with our Moet in plastic cups and if you enjoy the sport of people watching well this is quite a time to do so……

Only took a few minutes before we had a few new interesting friends, Chunk and his mate were vay-caying and had been on a bit of a bender…. Yes his name was Chunk, we sat just having some get to know you conversations when we were approached by guess who?….. ‘I am a man from Gambia’……. How does he know it is me!…… not long after he left a ‘Looky Looky’ woman approached us….. She turns to me and asks if Chunk is my boyfriend…. I say ‘Nope, he isn’t’…. the ‘Looky Looky’ woman then turns to Chunk and says ‘I’ll suck your willy for 10 Euro!’…I just burst out laughing, as that is not what I was expecting her to say…. She had no teeth but least she asked if he was my boyfriend, so she still had manners…… Expect anything and everything in Ibiza!

The Girls

#Pink Pants Party

A few hours before I met Marina and found my home for the next few months I had booked a hotel for another a week as a back up plan so I wouldn’t stress about accommodation…. Of course that would happen! I couldn’t cancel my reservation and the hotel didn’t sound too bad, air conditioning and a pool, plus it was just down the road from where I was currently staying….. There I am ready to check in and the hotel had no record of my booking, yet my they had taken the money from my account. After many a phone call and scrolling through Facebook for 2 hours to pass time, it is finally all sorted and I am checked in.

By this stage it was 5pm and all I wanted to do was eat and catch what was left of the day’s sun. I sat on the beach with my packed snacks and was just enjoying the afternoon sun, when I was approached by two guys…… Two very good-looking guys….. Wearing nothing but Hot Pink Fluro Lycra Shorts!…. They pulled them off so well I decided to hear what they had to say thinking I wonder what they are going to try to sell me….. Thing is people get approached all the time on the beach and streets mainly if you are in a big group by people selling tickets, sunglass sellers, drink sellers…I’ve even seen a girl walking around on the beach in her lacy underwear giving massages for €10, you can sell anything here!…… But being on your own I had never been approached, so two shirtless good-looking guys approach me….I was happy to hear them out…..

They weren’t selling anything! Just two fun-loving, easy-going Scottish lads, Joe and Tony, looking for people to chat too. After some fun and interesting ‘Get to know you’ conversations and them calling me the ‘Australian Beyoncé’, before I knew it I was meeting Joe and Tony at the fountain at 8pm & buying a ticket to a Paint Party….. Not gonna lie they won me over when they called me Beyoncé!

The three of us headed down to watch the sunset at Café Mambo on the sunset strip. DJ Duke Dumont was playing a free DJ set there so we thought why not catch that…. A few beers later and some dancing and we were invited into the VIP area having shots of Heirbas– the local Ibiza spirit with Duke Dumont… ‘As long as I got you baby!’

It was also at Café Mambo where we met the gorgeous Théa, French hostess and shot girl who we… sorry Tony managed to rope into joining us for the night….

Quick stop into our hotel, as we discovered we were all staying at the same one, clothes change and stock up on roadies… we headed for the Disco Bus to the 3D Paint Party at Privilege Night Club, the biggest Night club and Paint Party in the World!…… It has a capacity of 10,000 people!

Thank goodness for the roadies, should have brought more as the drinks in the clubs are €15 each (AUD $21) and water is €10… this is why everybody pre-drinks in Ibiza and heads to the clubs at 1-2am…..

The Paint Party was so much fun, we made sure we got in right amongst it on the dance floor. There was paint coming at us left, right and centre, all colours of paint blasting from canons on the sides of the dance floor, on the stage and girls with paint guns on the stage….I had paint in places I never thought I could get paint in!….. It was actually really addictive, once you were coated you just wanted to keep dancing & getting hit with paint….. I was completely soaked and wringing my hair out, it was fluro yellow!…. Matched the boys Fluro Pink Shorts that they unveiled again at the Paint Party… and Théa ended up wearing! It was just so much fun dancing and not having to care about what you looked like, because we all looked like avatars!

We pretty much stayed until the club closed, all of us falling asleep on the Disco Bus home…. I think it was the first time I have ever been cold in Ibiza, dying for a hot shower!…..How does one clean themselves when they have paint from head to toe?….. The only thing you can do…..You get in the bath fully clothed, sit down and work your way with the hose and soap…. shoes to head…. What felt like an hour later, I was finally paint free…. 7.30am, Sweet Colourful Dreams!

#Thanks Joe and Tony! Can’t wait for the Pink Pants Party Reunion xx

Duke Dumont VIP
The Boys

Paint Party_Paint In My Eyes!

Paint Party